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December 08, 2005

101 clues on the crisis of globalization economics 

101 Clues on the Crisis Of Globalization Economics -to be resolved so we can all enjoy Transparently Mapping The Peoples Economics through Century 21
-Asserted as a Commons Document. If you feel you used a clue the way we were trying to connect it, we'd love to be linked if you have the time, but make your first priority actively using or helping people to explore any valuetrue clue.
By Chris Macrae and co-editors to follow as clues get deeper or more diversely inclusive

1 My father Norman Macrae and Peter Drucker crossed paths in Moscow 1935. One was then a young man, another a teenager destined to be sent to war before going to university. As anyone who has read about Russia or Germany at that time will understand: Norman & Peter tacitly agreed to spend their lives writing how to question big power's view of economics and management and the way that investment sustainability (or not) systemises future histories connecting all beings.

2 Some of their constructs can be found by truly searching their original texts on phrases like these.
entrepreneur revolution paradigm shift knowledge worker co-worker privatization social ecologist service economy post-industrial networking telecommuting free market intrapreneur future exponentials history systemic learning listening innovation conflict love Hippocratic oath

But be warned, wherever a phrase becomes valuable for all people to openly commune around there will be some theorists that use numbers to separate out an opposite direction ...more which their biggest sponsor wants , and perhaps more practitioners who love the original image of the phrase without originally caring or systemically knowing what practices they would need to govern and value through time to live and learn to be the true McCoy.

3 I am only a mathematician. I try to explore truth either through the maths of pattern recognition or the co-creativity of listening to a person’s deepest passion and testimony. My brain is certainly not among those that would have had a look in as a top 20 reporter valuing 20th Century leadership, the world's futures and histories, its greatest innovators and most deep facilitators of humanity (Gandhi, Mother Theresa, the who's who of greatest value to commune with or be socially networked to). However, I can confirm that Peter and Norman are worth trusting when they get you to understand that neither economics nor management can ever make precisely correct decisions. What is correct differs by context -who's purpose are you systemising? time span (the last 90 days or the most valuable future this sector could have in uniquely serving humanity's greatest relevant needs), place in the world or as executed to benefit a legally extreme state like Delaware as prime sponsor of economics of externalities which can compound over time with as vicious consequences Bhopal's ... more

or whatever was the worst untrue and unfair consequences of Enron and Andersen becoming top 50 economies all over the world until their mountains and bubbles of dis-trust were waved away as much less than worthless in all good peoples eyes.

4 Precisely correct for who - yourself? your inner cronies, one mythical group (shareholder- do your SVA maths mean speculators and exclude pensioners to be) or everyone who invests in organisations through time as sustaining purposes' most productive and demanding systems: societies, families, customers, employees who make a difference with lifelong learning curves, the country in choosing to prioritise your sector not just with direct investments or tax breaks but in the way it changes education, the culture around communities that may in one place prize sustaining some history and another none, even whether owning everything is good which it certainly isn’t is a country where 1% of the land has oil or hugely valuable natural resources and the other 99% is so sandy that nomads are the only ones who could survive.

5 If you desire it, mathematics can enable economics and management to govern whether a system is openly healthy enough to compound future exponentials that are going up or ill enough to bubble down; or transparently goodwilled enough to sustain (win-win-win) for everyone they integrate over time or badwilled to compound towards a meltdown which nobody other than speculators can gain from.

6 We can also simply map whole systems and networks as systems*systems so that almost all the words most valued by Norman and Peter become components of:
  • Trust-flow if we map organisations as: productive and demanding relationships spinning round purpose

  • Transparency as how critical flows work across boundaries of organisations * organisations as well as molecules within or above the level of organisation you map governance of. Think of other analogies. If you are a start-up - trust me the transparency of the way the first 7 partnering decisions are all made (to become 7-win or not to be so - is vital in terms of the most human future than any humanly inspired founding group could achieve.

  • Sustainability - how future exponentials are compounding up or down and multiplying each other wherever they interface organically

  • 7 Right now -having had 21 years to storytell (see our 1984 book co-authored by computer-man, economist and interviewer of leaders, & science fiction scriptwriter), debate and timeline the coming war between big money at the top of the world and all the rest of us 6 billion beings - I am not interested in hi-falutin maths though I spent a post-graduate year in Cambridge studying that and I love my father's biographic inquiry of von Neumann (head mathematician of collaboration -would he have wondered why computing collaboration never got facilitated more energetically than in the moon-race?), and Einstein's (all mathematician’s head truth-tester of relationships) support of grassroots economists like Gandhi.

    8 What we need to explore is maps -do we agree how these co-work for everyone's communal interests? We can all use a road-map to get around a city because it is mathematically simple and true to connect through and to evolve round over time. In the service economy, let alone knowledge workers networking or globalisation's networking economies we need relationship maps if our time and trust and passions to connect and learning curves are to action transparently greater wealth for all instead of the opposite. This is why service economics and beyond is a post-industrial revolution away from booking in investments in machines never people, separability at all costs and no connectivity in our measures, make a perfect historical assessment not one that enables anyone to see the future. If that's all you want use addition, the operand of separation as bottom line tangible accounting shows. If however you want to move forwards rather than backwards through the co-creative interactivity of networks then let's use maps as the simplest way to include value multiplication.

    9 Not being an economist nor a traditional management guru, I invite anyone who becomes interested in the values stated and the attempt to edit this until it gets simpler but more deeply linked to join in. It may seem like a big subject. My father and I give us 5 years to finish it for reasons stated in 1984 in our chapter on changing economics for the peoples world to compound better and better through networking's multiplication of systems rather than worse and worse. I am heartened by reading a short history of the world which a passionate German ( A short History of the World- origin EH Gombrich succeeded in writing up in 1935 in 6 weeks, so that children could enjoy the story of humanity so far as much as adults. I do hope that unlike 100 other blogs of ours that google has lost, enough people will co-edit this one for it to succeed in having some timeless value.
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