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The Beyond Branding blog

November 02, 2005

Join our 5 year mission impossible groups 

Back in 1984 our & Britain's senior futures storyteller & economic adviser explained how 2005-2010 would be the last 5 year the people could restore sanity to globalisation. Beyond Branding Missions include:
  • reforming any global brand that believes a billion dollars ad budget a year on image-making is more important than reality-making
  • devaluing biggest brands that compound conflicts between their constituencies
  • requiring governments to put an end to sectors that are externalising communities with the poorest knowledge out of existence, whether they know that's what they are exasperating nature to wave or not

  • We have teamed up with the world's most diverse transparency communities-connected by the democratic concern that everyone simply sees the risks and opportunities valuation exponentials at Our aim to start hundreds of games and blogs that you can choose from. See one you like: ask for permission to replicate the contents you want at another blog or web. Join the most valuable collaborations in the future before our human race is history. Tick Tock
    Draft under continuous editing - come back to see!
    • Connect your collaboration networks- November’s example Democracy Cubed:
      • Washington DC's Organisational Democracy of 200 Opinion Design Leaders assembling around Tracy Fenton Times
      • South Africa's Deep Democracy Conflict Resolution alumni of Myrna Lewis and various Sustainability Institutes that are reforming MBA courses to have a future worthy of human being's life-resource Times
      • Carribean's Carnival Democracy - mapping the most passionately intense co-workers Participation- designed out of Roosevelt’s research in the Bahamas- how much more efficient is carnival agency to live a brand with than ad agency's spends
  • Fantasy Wealth – vote for sustainability indices of global markets sectors
  • Fantasy Cities- vote for cultural dreams a city’s diversity could be evolving?

    Here are some more of the resource valuetrue transparency communities have been developing as we map the exponential valuation of markets’ and societies’ futures. We map organisations as productive & demanding relationships spinning future exponentials up or down depending on contextual purpose being conflict-free or conflict-ridden; and global*local networks as systems*systems whose consequences by 2024 will determine the lot of many generations to come for good (6 billion beings participating in a footprint that enables everyone to make their difference) or evil (a world where people’s lives are subject to Orwellian hidden powers and nature’s fury is increasingly random but also bound to terminate communities who are already poorest first)

    Consequences of exponential valuation of organisation as productive & demanding relationships spinning round gravitational purpose
    Co-edit blogs
    ask citizens biggest questions out of every ClubofCity
    -hot city networks : clubofDC ...Club of Pakistan United

    Critical response applications – Disaster waves: Pakistan, Orleans, Tsunami; Disaster Plagues: Bird Flu; Disaster terrors: 9/11, 7/7, Madrid, Bali, Delhi, Russian School

    Help us Catalogue the 200 top colaboration networks for humanity's harmonious evolution

    Help open source the new systemic modules of
  • value education -how do they interface with each other as opposed to old porofessions that separated their own business case and left the devil to take the hindmost
  • Sustainability investment
  • The Media we get

    Background Resources our Future History networks have been co-editing over decades:
  • Entrepreneurial Revolution (readers circles since 1976)
  • Death of Distance (future histories of networking since 1984)
  • Exponentials – explore 2005-2010 as crisis years of the globalisation we compound
  • Valueten
  • Economicstimes –abundance or scarcity depends on whether economics transparently models multiplication instead of separating everything in bottom line addition- 21 yeas of questioning will we get rid of macroeconomics’ political games in time for globalisation to connect goodwill between 6 billion beings instead of compounding badwill

    Do you need personal guiding around above? - email -include valuetrue in subject please to ensure we don't miss you in the spam waves we get.
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    Jack Yan New Zealand
    John Caswell UK
    Johnnie Moore UK
    Malcolm Allan UK
    Nicholas Ind Norway
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