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The Beyond Branding blog

October 26, 2005

Why the world’s largest organisations are devaluing the 21st C and what all people need to change to be sustainable 3 of 3 

So if our communal chalenge is to get everyone to communicate around maps of organisations designed as systems of productive and demanding relationships spinning unique purpose

What can you do? One heck of a lot. If you are a professional, you can debate how your profession can connect with other professions that want organisation to be

If you want to popularise debates, you can play with games - chosse a sector from fantasy wealth is it co-creating the 21st C or terminating it? The proof is in the truth testing. The openness which anyone working in the sector from bottom to top answers the hardest questions about compound consequences and interactions. This is a game where valuing transparency of how conflicted we are is the start of the journey to becoming openly conflict free. This is actually the most valuable beyond professional interdisciplianry work globalisation will ever see. Unless that is you decide to be creative with the greatest thing citozens are still free to be co-creative with : cities, play the game of dream cities which invite all 6 billion beings to be inspired with here

Next we can re-examine sustainability investment. So, if you are to be a pensioner one day, you can challenge every time someone soundbites we had to do this because of Sharehlder value – do you mean shareholder value or Speculator value? The timespan the numbers are being compouted around tells you whose system and vested interests is governing

You can look at the maths of 10-win or 10-lose organsiations and 100-win or 100-lose networks (organsiations*organsiations) and choose a context that matters to you or humanity. The maths asked you to truth test the context until you see which stalkehol;ders and which producers would be emotioannly intelligent to invest their trust in the purpose being one that is spinning growth (not bdecay0 on all sides

You can help 1985’s number 1 exploration for 2005-2010 – enabling economics and national policy leaders seeing the value of Third of World for the first time in living memory.

Or you tell us an exploration you would like to network around, and we’ll try to connect you with people who have declared to us who are 12 years or elder on the internet that they are committed to help openly guide this. For example, this week in Washington DC is Organisational Democracy week for hundreds of networkers -youthful leaders in the main with more working lifetime ahead of them than behind -every city that I have travelled through in the last 5 years of Unseen Wealth Crisis has thousands of such inspired people just loving it - the idea of organisational democracy has come whether you call yourself a culture creative or a global reconciliation agent or and Intangibles Crisis mapmaker , a freedom fighter for transparency across organsiational boundaries, or aSIN analyst, Sustainability Investment Networking.
The end of 20th Spinmakers is nigh, and may that be the most peaceful revolution in history because revolution and survival of 6 billion beings are now the only living game in town.

What event can we arrange around your city when? How can different citizen networking groups come and share what they have learnt from wave to wave of such global village meetings? Will we learn to network an economics of abundance in time for all beings to share a bigger footprint of the globe- for if not any biologists can show you simulations of the wars and pestilence that compound when living systems interact around a belief that the footprint, the air we breathe, the water our bodies vaporise is getting scarcer and scarcer.

Whomever first said when the system's not bust don't fix it was either :
the least caring person in the world
a raving lunatic
or such a powerful man postioned in a non-transparent era (whether ruling transactionally with the separatism of extreme capitalism or extreme communism because both extremes are destined to value chain ordinary people to the same end) that he knew his life would not be impacted however many hi-trust citizens would be lost.

Chris Macrae, World Class Brand Networks
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