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Beyond Branding is written by members of The Medinge Group

The Beyond Branding blog

September 18, 2003

Sustainable Development 

The United Nations defines this as "Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs"

Once you realise that the world's largest organisations are currently accounted and governed in a way that decides on almost every conflict of short-term and longer-term with a bias towards 'today', it is worth making a list of issues where poeple around the world must say: hey there we'd like our kids to have a life too- are you truly evolving this future?

Sustainability challenges categorise several ways:
There are issues that are spinning so hopelessly in poor nations including 2 billion without freshwater and EU food policies being a root cause of starvation that we, of richer nations, must find a way to bring to politicians attention all at the same time. Perhaps this is one answer (tell us others)

There are issues which involve more detailed public education so people like you and yours can choose -every time we buy something we are voting not just for what we feel we needed but for the type of organisation and humanitarian freedoms (or lack thereof) that produced it.Perhaps this will help us choose organisations that care as passionately about reality making (in every spot and people of the world they interact with) as the 20th century brand obsession had for image-making alone. (tell us others)

Do you really want to trade with a global company that spends a billion dollars a year broadcasting promises without bothering to govern in a way that ensures all these promises are communally compatible not just this year, but next year, and some time and in fair trust for ever?

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