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The Beyond Branding blog

March 12, 2005

until may: everyone's invited to put world's largest public broadcaster in play 

Nothing I can think of could more quickly make the world a better place for 6 billion people than if the world's largest public proadcaster got on side of all 6 billion beings. We've argued this openly since 1984 in a bestselling book; and we are collating game ideas here. Below is one concept relevant to what the BBC's dumbing down diet if for Btitons tonight.

What questions would NOT make an "insult the nation" tv quiz?

Tonight, to round off the dumbest week of globalisation programming aunty has ever shown, the BBC tests the nation with a two and half hour quiz of multiple choice questions. Dumbing stuff like which food was what cartoon character's favourite.

Suppose instead the BBC has chosen 20 questions which informed the nation on worldwide humanitarian, sustaianble or current affairs knowledge - what multiple choice question would you offer?

The BBC's broadcasting abuse of the public licence fee and indecent expectation that it should continue this monopoly dumbing down is debated at KB here and at this worldwide co-syndicating blog and at some of these google top 10 selections. The British people have until the end of May to respond as to whether they wish dumbing down to continue for another decade or whether something more enlightening could link broadcast and 21st C networking media. This is a test case for the world since the BBC is the world's most resourced public broadcaster.
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