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The Beyond Branding blog

November 24, 2004

Thanksgiving Specials: Lest we forget: BB & Another World is Possible 

Lest anyone's forgotten, I am sure we agreed The tenets of BB are roughly as follows:
  • we support humanity for 6 billion beings
  • we know that the current global branding system is connected in a very powerful way, but its not compounding goodwill, humanity; it only works because it is perceived that all its connections are immutable; and its biggest commercial media will be the last to question such a perception (oh aunty dont go there)
  • well the innovative system person (and value multiplying marketer) is supposed to look out for one link that when chnaged turns everything around

CASE Can marketers be any help at all in turning round the sadeest continent in the world : Africa?

Maybe the first link to change isnt doing an Iraq to Zimbabwe though once you've taken out the economics of oil and the lies of WMD the logical case seems a match

Maybe instead we should ask Africa's suprerstar to do 2 things:
explain to other stars how they risk losing all their Roots (African American's homeland do-good credibility) by going to bed with the worng image-maker

explain to the 1000 richest women she meets that wearing diamonds is permanently uncool unless that supply chain takes care of societies around its resourcing localities; heavens knows no other product depends for so much value on its reputation amongst such a small tightly knit network of icon female celebritities & powerful debutants; a diamond is practically worthless if the world's 1000 most powerful female icons think it is. So did they want to be marketed as people whose lifetimes wear only images (betraying all the sensible arguments about glass or diamond ceilings of their sex), or people who care to about humanitarian relaities. That is the choice the world's 1000 most powerful women could have today, by voting how they deal with diamonds forever
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